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Revolutionary Chat Commerce & DMP

Streamline your customer interactions by integrating messages from multiple platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Build a comprehensive CRM database and automate customer tagging to enable effective segmentation for personalized campaigns, ultimately driving engagement and conversions.

Automate customer journey and tagging with Independent developed chatbot tool
Automate customer journey and tagging with Independent developed chatbot tool.png

Eliminate fragmented conversations across different channels. With our ChatBooster, you can manage all chats from WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram in one unified inbox. Improve response times with automated replies and collaborate seamlessly with your team. Say goodbye to missed messages and lost leads—embrace efficient communication that delights your customers.

Streamline customer services by messages consolidation
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Deliver targeted messages and marketing notifications through your customers' preferred channels, reaching thousands at once. Enhance engagement by incorporating dynamic content and interactive buttons for a more captivating experience. Easily analyze and track response data for each message to refine your approach.

Broadcast marketing messages Lead generation
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